
Our identity is found in belonging to the Triune God. What we value and how we behave is governed by this relationship. As a community of followers of Jesus Christ, we desire to grow in understanding and obedience to all God’s truth.

God has shaped the Interserve community and its values through the Scriptures, our history and the people God has brought us. We celebrate the particular combination of values that gives us our distinctive culture. Our distinctiveness contributes to the beautiful diversity of the people of God globally. Interserve values, and the behaviours that flow from them, describe who we are and how we aspire to grow. Not that we have already attained all this, but we press on to take hold of that for which Christ has taken hold of us (Phil 3:12).

We affirm that the values are essentially interdependent. They also compliment and do not contradict each other in any way. Where contradictions appear to exist in a particular situation, we will seek to listen to God to guide us in how to fully express each value in that situation.


We depend on God in everything and for everything. Therefore, we worship and wait on Him, pray and intercede, listen and obey.


God is three-in-one and has made us for community. Therefore, we make every effort to maintain unity, we invest deeply in relationships, and we care, pray for, respect and submit to each other. We are generous and flexible in attitude and behaviour.


We are one in Christ. Therefore we reject all prejudice, including that based on gender, race, social status, culture and biblical spiritual traditions. We rejoice in God-given diversity. Women and men serve in ministry and leadership.


God has called us to participate in his Kingdom work. Therefore, we minister in a spirit of humility and interdependence. We practice participatory, local leadership. We prioritise relationships and partnership with other parts of the Body of Christ.


Our lives reveal the Gospel in word and deed. Therefore, in our lifestyle, work, relationships and spirituality, we are consistent, authentic and honest.


God is reconciling all things through Christ. Therefore, we seek to be and to make whole-life disciples, care for creation and intentionally bear witness to the whole character and work of God through worship, proclamation, service and fellowship.


Jesus came to serve. Therefore, we joyfully serve in love and humility. We make the effort to learn local language and culture. We choose to go to hard places and to the marginalised.

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